Sculptural Landscapes Bodø
Sculptural Landscapes Bodø
Miriam Nielsen (DK)
Inka and Niclas (FI)
Adam Jeppesen (DK)
Marianne Bjørnmyr (NO)
Curated by Trine Stephensen
30.03.2019 - 31.03.2019
Sculptural Landscapes presents the work of a range of Scandinavian artists with a common interest in the sculptural and abstract qualities of photography. In their work, each of the featured artists approaches the landscape as a phenomenon, encompassing both manmade and natural forms as well as internal and external landscapes. In an exhibition where the landscape is both a universal fact and a personal affair, the spectrum of visual approaches is equally as varied. Here, images created directly with the camera sit alongside those that are distorted, sampled, twisted and faded beyond it. The featured artists refuse to be confined to the photographic frame, challenging instead the surface of the image and expanding into spatial installations.
Exhibition catalogue:
Alongside the exhibition, a special edition of The Plantation Journal was published in collaboration with Atelier NOUA. The publication presents the work from the exhibition Sculptural Landscapes as a collection of posters, all in various sizes so the images can be seen as layers on top of each other as an extension of the exhibition subject and acts as an object in itself. It is bound with two loose leaf metal binders rings on top so it can easily be hanged on the wall with two screws.
Publication Idea: Trine Stephensen
Published by: A Corner With
The exhibition is funded by Nordic Culture Fund, Arts Council Norway and Nordland County Council.
Storgata 56
8006 Bodø